

Renter's Guide


Typical Questions Answered

How much is Yaffa Realty's broker fee?
Clients pay a broker's fee ONLY if they rent a property through Yaffa Realty. If the property is a NO FEE apartment, then you will not incur a broker's fee. If a fee applies, it will vary from one apartment to another, and you should confirm the fee with your agent.

When should a perspective renter begin an apartment or property rental search?
Potential renters should begin their search 4-6 weeks prior to an anticipated moving date. Apartments are not usually ready more than 6 weeks ahead of a lease starting date.

What are Rent Stabilized buildings and/or apartments?
Rent stabilized buildings and/or apartments are buildings whose rent is regulated by the City of New York and State of New York. Rent increases are only about 2-4% annually. Once a renter secures a rent stabilized apartment, they have a right to renew a lease agreement indefinitely. A lot of brownstones, townhouses with more than 4 units and older tenement/elevator buildings in NYC fall into this category. These types of building are owned and operated by small to medium size landlords/management companies.

Why choose Yaffa Realty? What sets it apart from all the others?

Prospective renters seek out Yaffa Realty's services for 2 reasons:

First, our clients want to find the best deals coupled with the most value they can afford. They understand Yaffa Realty's brokers will save them considerable money in the long run. They understand that we offer a variety of services, covering all aspects of their property search. Our clients understand that even though they might be able to find 'No Fee' apartments, our brokers work extremely hard to negotiate the lowest possible monthly-rent payments. This amounts to long term savings that renters who don't use Yaffa Realty probably would not get.

Second, our clients want to save the time and energy that gets wasted when trying to find and close on a property in NYC's dynamic real estate market. The process can be very frustrating without much result. Our clients come to us in order to utilize the guidance, knowledge and experience of our licensed brokers. Our clients benefit by saving money, time and effort.

Is having a pet a problem?

Having a dog may narrow the selection of which properties are available to you. Cats tend not to be as much of a problem. Some management companies may charge a pet fee or deposit. Clients- tell your broker about pets to save time and money.

Besides rent stabilized buildings, what other types of apartment buildings are there in NYC?

There are rental buildings, co-ops, and condo buildings.

  • Rental buildings: Usually full service, modern, doorman buildings; rents are generally high but are at market level. Annual rent increases might be considerable, depending on market conditions. Yaffa Realty has access to these listings as well as more affordable and more economically priced rental properties. We have access to most of the rental listings in the New York City Area.
  • Co-op and condo buildings: These are also usually full service buildings. The drawback is that new tenants might have to meet with the co-op or condo board. This process can take over a month and requires the applicant to undergo rigorous screening. Many co-ops do not allow lease renewals. This means more apartment hunting after the first term of your lease. Yaffa Realty is selective about co-op buildings because of the inflexibility and arbitrary rules.